Woman with a Parrot

Woman with a Parrot

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Fallen Monarchs (1886)

Fallen Monarchs (1886)

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The Gleaners, 1857

The Gleaners, 1857

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Mountebank, 1844

Mountebank, 1844

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Sitemap In Alphabetical Order


Bulgarian Soldiers

Artist: Theodore Valerio

Orientation: Portrait

Bulgarians Besieging Adrianople

Artist: Cyrus Cuneo

Orientation: Portrait

Bulgarians besieging Adrianople 2

Artist: Cyrus Cuneo

Orientation: Portrait

Bull and Mouth Inn Yard

Artist: Valentine Davis

Orientation: Landscape

Bundling Primroses

Artist: Percy Bovill

Orientation: Landscape

By a Highland Stream

Artist: Archibald George Barnes

Orientation: Landscape

By the Fireside

Artist: Frank Holl

Orientation: Landscape

By the Studio Fire, 1860

Artist: James Dawson Watson

Orientation: Portrait

By The Wayside

Artist: James Curnock

Orientation: Landscape


Ca Ta He Cas Sa

Artist: (after) King, Charles Bird

Orientation: Portrait

Cabbage Field and Farm

Artist: Henry Bailey

Orientation: Landscape

California 2

Artist: Millard Sheets

Orientation: Landscape

Calling them Home for Supper

Artist: Louis Lepoittevin

Orientation: Landscape

Canterbury Meadows

Artist: Thomas George Cooper

Orientation: Landscape

Cap Gris Nez

Artist: Charles-Francois Daubigny

Orientation: Landscape

Capping them on

Artist: Alfred Charles Havell

Orientation: Landscape

Capri Seascape

Artist: Konstantin Ivanovich Gorbatov

Orientation: Landscape

Captive in the Prison 1850s

Artist: Mihaly Zichy

Orientation: Portrait

Car ride

Artist: William Bengough

Orientation: Landscape

Card Players

Artist: Mary Cameron

Orientation: Landscape

Caricature of Henri Brisson (1835-1912)

Artist: Bobb

Orientation: Portrait